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The old dilemma: stocks or mutual funds?

For the beginner, should it be stocks or mutual funds? The logic points in one direction.

Mutual funds vs stocks: The logic points in one directionAnand Kumar

dhanak हिंदी में भी पढ़ें read-in-hindi

I've realised recently that some people find my attitude of equal opportunities to various types of investments available to the individual a bit unusual. Instead of 'equal opportunities', I should probably say 'sabka saath, sabka vikas', but the idea is the same. In this day and age of finfluencers, a routine modus operandi to gather an audience is to be against something. Everything has some negative points, and one surefire way of gathering a crowd is to say that here, let me save you from losing all your money on X or Y type of investment - this is why they are evil, and this is why you must do Z, which I'm here to promote.

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